Author Archives: Ross Koronis

How to Lose Weight Fast But Safely

The promise of quick weight loss is often enticing, particularly when fad diets and social media make it seem easy to lose 10 pounds in just 10 days. However, for most people, losing weight can be difficult due to a variety of factors, including age, body composition, physical activity level, genetics, and hormones. Additionally, weight […]

The weight loss experiment that changed my life …

I decided to do an experiment, partly out of curiosity and partly out of desperation. The experiment was based on a simple question:  What happens to your body when you replace half of what you normally eat with so-called super foods? No exercise. No diet plan. No Intermittent fasting. Nothing else except super foods. For years, […]

“Is Red Boost the Key to Boosting Your Testosterone Levels?”

Today, we’re taking a closer look at a product that has captured the attention of people worldwide – Red Boost. Can Red Boost live up to its claims? We’ll be answering the top questions about this product. What is Red Boost and what does it claim to do? Red Boost is a powerful new formula […]

7 Diet Myths Which Make You Fat

The world of diet and nutrition can be like a labyrinth, with so many myths and misconceptions circulating around. It’s no wonder that so many people struggle with their weight and find it difficult to achieve their health and fitness goals, like a hamster running on a wheel. Today, we’re going to bust 7 common […]

Red Boost – a powerful new formula for boosting testosterone and male health.

Red Boost is a powerful new formula that is designed to boost testosterone levels and improve overall male health. As men age, they often experience a decline in their overall health and well-being. This can be due to a variety of factors, including a decline in testosterone levels, an increase in body fat, and a […]

Five food mistakes to avoid if you’re trying to lose weight

Many people wonder why they’re not losing weight when they follow a strict diet and exercise routine. One possible reason is that what look like healthy options aren’t what they seem. Many foods and drinks contain hidden fats, sugars or salt, each of which will curb your weight loss efforts. In addition to the kilojoules, […]

Obesity has become the new normal but it’s still a health risk

Nike’s London store recently introduced a plus-sized mannequin to display its active clothing range which goes up to a size 32. The mannequin triggered a cascade of responses ranging from outrage to celebration. One side argues that the mannequin normalises obesity and leads obese people to feel that they are healthy when in fact they […]

Four simple food choices that help you lose weight and stay healthy

You don’t have to quit bread, but make sure it’s wholegrain. Shutterstock Yasmine Probst, University of Wollongong; Elizabeth Neale, University of Wollongong, and Vivienne Guan, University of Wollongong It’s difficult to lose weight. And it’s even harder to keep it off. Many people achieve short-term weight-loss only to return to their previous lifestyle choices – […]

How To Permanently Lose Weight Fast Using Subconscious Mind Reprogramming

Here’s a fantastic YouTube video which outlines the specific steps you can use to program your mind to lose fat. While the video was made in 2017, the knowledge is timeless. The presenter, Matt Cama is also passionate and presents an engaging video that has helped many, as can be seen from the comments left […]

Why we regain weight after drastic dieting

A few years ago I proudly lost almost 15% of my weight. However last week I stared with disbelief at my scale as I realised all my efforts were in vain and I had regained all of the previously lost weight. This got me thinking about the mechanisms that underpin such dramatic fluctuations in weight […]

Move Over Green Tea and Black Tea, There is a New Tea in Town

Discover the Amazing Weight loss & Health Benefits of Red Tea By Elizabeth (Liz) Swann Miller A common mistake made by many dieters is not taking into account what they drink. The truth is the fluids you consume can have just as big an impact on your waistline – and your health – as the […]

Why frequent dieting makes you put on weight – and what to do about it

Grapefruit diet? Probably not worth it. Sophie Jonasson from Sweden, CC BY-NC-SA Tim Spector, King’s College London People who regularly go on diets tend to lose weight initially but bounce back and even gain weight after stopping the regime. This phenomenon – dubbed yo-yo dieting – is associated with changes in metabolism and is one […]

Health Check: what’s the best diet for weight loss?

Find a healthy eating regime you can stick to. foshydog/Flickr, CC BY-NC-ND Clare Collins, University of Newcastle When it comes to weight loss, there are no magic tricks that guarantee success. What works for you is likely to be different to what works for your partner, neighbour or workmate.

Low carb, Paleo or fasting – which diet is best?

Ekaterina Markelova/Shutterstock Duane Mellor, Coventry University and Paul D McArdle, University of Birmingham At this time of year, we are bombarded with books and TV shows telling us what we should be eating and how best to lose weight. Particularly in vogue are low-carb diets, Paleo diets and intermittent fasting diets. But which diet is […]

Pioppi, gluten-free and Mediterranean – which popular diets are fads?

You might lose weight in the short term but fad diets are impossible to sustain. saltodemata/shutterstock Clare Collins, University of Newcastle; Lee Ashton, University of Newcastle, and Rebecca Williams, University of Newcastle Each year, new weight loss diets appear that promise to reveal the ultimate secret of success – if only you buy the book, […]

Health Check: six tips for losing weight without fad diets

Don’t limit yourself to grapefruit – increasing the amount and variety of fruit and vegetables can help you lose weight. Dan Zen/Flickr, CC BY Clare Collins, University of Newcastle Monday – start diet. Tuesday – break diet! Wednesday – plan to start again next Monday. If this is you, it’s probably time to get off […]

Which Low Carb Diet Is Right For Me?

There are many things that can qualify a diet to be low-carb. The most popular plans have a range of carb levels and food choices different from one another. Although they are different, all of them cut out most sugars, starches, and gluten. By doing some research, you may find various diets; such as the […]

Are low carb diets safe?

Are low carb diets safe? Are low carb diets dangerous to your health? These are burning questions for dieters all over the world. The Low carb diet came in to existence as a solution for maintaining the calorie intake variable in precise levels. How it helps you to lose weight is simple logic. Once the […]

Here’s the skinny on fasting for weight loss – the 5:2 diet

Surinder Baines, University of Newcastle The “new” weight-loss strategy known as the 5:2 diet has been receiving much attention in the media since the book The Fast Diet: The Secret of Intermittent Fasting – Lose Weight, Stay Healthy, Live Longer was launched late last year.

Are diet pills the silver bullet for obesity?

Lennert Veerman, The University of Queensland Here, Lennert Veerman, Senior Research Fellow at the University of Queensland’s School of Population Health, assesses the cost effectiveness of prescription weight-loss medicines: If you have a problem with your health and visit a general practitioner, you might be prescribed medication to alleviate symptoms and make you feel better. […]