Tag Archives: diet

How to Lose Weight Fast But Safely

The promise of quick weight loss is often enticing, particularly when fad diets and social media make it seem easy to lose 10 pounds in just 10 days. However, for most people, losing weight can be difficult due to a variety of factors, including age, body composition, physical activity level, genetics, and hormones. Additionally, weight […]

Five food mistakes to avoid if you’re trying to lose weight

Many people wonder why they’re not losing weight when they follow a strict diet and exercise routine. One possible reason is that what look like healthy options aren’t what they seem. Many foods and drinks contain hidden fats, sugars or salt, each of which will curb your weight loss efforts. In addition to the kilojoules, […]

Obesity has become the new normal but it’s still a health risk

Nike’s London store recently introduced a plus-sized mannequin to display its active clothing range which goes up to a size 32. The mannequin triggered a cascade of responses ranging from outrage to celebration. One side argues that the mannequin normalises obesity and leads obese people to feel that they are healthy when in fact they […]

Four simple food choices that help you lose weight and stay healthy

You don’t have to quit bread, but make sure it’s wholegrain. Shutterstock Yasmine Probst, University of Wollongong; Elizabeth Neale, University of Wollongong, and Vivienne Guan, University of Wollongong It’s difficult to lose weight. And it’s even harder to keep it off. Many people achieve short-term weight-loss only to return to their previous lifestyle choices – […]