Tag Archives: ketogenic

Pioppi, gluten-free and Mediterranean – which popular diets are fads?

You might lose weight in the short term but fad diets are impossible to sustain. saltodemata/shutterstock Clare Collins, University of Newcastle; Lee Ashton, University of Newcastle, and Rebecca Williams, University of Newcastle Each year, new weight loss diets appear that promise to reveal the ultimate secret of success – if only you buy the book, […]

Which Low Carb Diet Is Right For Me?

There are many things that can qualify a diet to be low-carb. The most popular plans have a range of carb levels and food choices different from one another. Although they are different, all of them cut out most sugars, starches, and gluten. By doing some research, you may find various diets; such as the […]

Are low carb diets safe?

Are low carb diets safe? Are low carb diets dangerous to your health? These are burning questions for dieters all over the world. The Low carb diet came in to existence as a solution for maintaining the calorie intake variable in precise levels. How it helps you to lose weight is simple logic. Once the […]